The CDC estimates that 6 in 10 adults in the US suffer from a chronic disease, with heart disease, cancer, chronic lung disease, stroke, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, and chronic kidney disease being among the most common.
Functional medicine looks for the root cause of these and many other chronic diseases through a holistic approach. Blood work and labs will most commonly be ordered to look at various things ranging from nutrient levels, genetic mutations, microbiota, and food sensitivities.
Once we uncover weaknesses or deficits in the body, we can correct them through nutrition, lifestyle modification, exercise, and stress management.
If you suffer from chronic conditions or are interested in seeing where your weaknesses may be before they create bigger problems, call and schedule your appointment today. We offer in-person or telehealth consultations and all of our lab work can be done remotely or in a qualified lab setting.
The first step to supporting or treating a diabetic is by having an understanding of all the factors that go into regulating insulin and how the body uses and moves energy. Looking at symptom history, nutritional status, lifestyle factors, and genetic predispositions helps to paint a better picture of what is going on and how we can start to reduce the symptoms or reverse the cause.
Diet, exercise, stress levels, and medications all have a big impact on how the body makes and remodels bone. By feeding it the nutrients it needs and loading the bone, we can make stronger and healthier bones to reduce the risk of fracture or injury due to decreased bone mineral density.
The Thyroid regulates energy production as well as hormone balance. When it starts to act up, it can present with a variety of symptoms from weight loss/weight gain, mood swings, anxiety, irritability, tiredness, dry skin, hair loss, and constipation. Environmental factors and lifestyle habits have a major impact on how the thyroid functions. High stress levels will deplete key nutrients in our body, which can impact thyroid function. Blood tests can give us an insight on what is going on within the body and how to start treating it.
Male and female reproductive hormones have been a big topic lately that people are addressing through medication, injections, and other forms of treatment. By identifying where the deficiency is, we can guide your body back to normal balance and optimal function. Along with supplementation, addressing causes like physical, mental, and dietary stresses, we can reduce the external impact on your body to improve internal function.
Correcting irritation to the nerves through chiropractic care is the first step. Coupling that with adequate nutrition helps speed up the healing process and gets the numbness, burning, and tingling to go away. Most often, once the pressure is relieved from the nerve, if the issues are still present, it is a nutrient deficiency that is keeping the nerves from being repaired.
Watching your salt intake and reducing your fats is just one part of the puzzle. Mineral balance within the body has a big impact on heart function. Having the right combinations will allow the heart to not only normalize blood pressure, but will also help with rhythm and heart rate variability.
Prebiotics, probiotics, cleanses, elimination diets, its a lot to think about. We offer testing to determine what may be going on as well as food allergy testing to determine other sensitivities that may create flare-ups or a worsening of symptoms.
Filtration and excretion are the main roles of the kidneys. If our body is not functioning properly, then the kidneys may be overwhelmed and can malfunction. Medication interactions, mineral/vitamin deficiencies, and gut issues are some of the leading causes of stress on the kidneys. By identifying what is impacting them, we can start to support the body and take the load off the kidneys, allowing them to perform better.